PayPal is actually easier to win because, PayPal does NOT offer protection for VIRTUAL GOODS and SERVICES. And if you are selling physical goods, you should have shipping tradking that would would you to win the dispute. So, On the dispute Response. You just need esclate the case to PayPal and not communicate with the buyer. On your resolution, you can comment saying. If VIRTUAL ITEM: Dear PayPal. The product i sold, “ Logo, Software, Consultation”, is a virtual product service and according to your TERMS and CONDITIONS, You do not protect these since these are VIRTUAL services and are NOT covered under PAYPAL’s TERMS and Condition. Please rule this dispute on my favor ASAP! The client was provided with the product/services as agreed. If Physical Item: Dear PayPal, Here is the shipping ID. Product was shipped and was delivered. Please rule this dispute on my favor ASAP!>